He's also protective of his baby sisters. Whenever we're out and about people are attracted to us and want to take a look at the babies. Max makes sure they know, "These are my babies", especially if the curious person is a little girl. A few months ago, the lady sitting behind us in church was holding Cate. He was a little anxious about it and whispered, "Tell her she can't keep she".
Whenever I put the babies down for nap, he always says, "Wait, a hug and kiss, a hug and kiss." Then he kisses and hugs each baby and says, "Ellie (or Cate) have a good nap."
Max has become a great helper for me. He grabs me diapers when I ask for them and he is constantly getting the babies toys to play with. Of course, they can't have his toys because they slobber all over them. They have to play with "baby toys".
The other day he was holding his blanket like a baby. He was burping it and then put it in the bumbo to spoon-feed it. Doug says no dolls. I say whatever. He's gonna be a dad someday. And a really awesome one too.
and THAT is what keeps me happy about having a 3 year old and twins....even thought on other days it's crazier than crazy, it's still nice to have a helper. Now I just have to deal with the guilt of expecting SO much from my oldest :) Cute pictures!!!!